
Ocular Surface Disease (OSD)

Ocular surface disease is a common condition that causes discomfort, redness, watery eyes, and even vision problems.
Yet, many people go undiagnosed and untreated for years, while doctors overlook early signs and fail to address the issue.

Understanding Ocular Surface Disease: A Guide for Better Eye Health

Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) is a condition that affects the surface of the eye and can lead to discomfort, redness, and vision problems. It encompasses various conditions such as dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), ocular rosacea, and blepharitis. The Dry Eye Center of Maryland is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals with OSD, offering specialized diagnosis and management to ensure optimal eye health. Often, individuals and doctors overlook the subtle indications that something may be amiss with their eyes. Throughout the years, many patients have shared their stories of symptoms that went unrecognized and untreated, only to discover later that they were experiencing ocular surface disease. In fact, eye doctors have observed numerous cases where the early signs of this condition were disregarded, leading to further complications. It is essential to be attentive to your eye health and promptly address any potential issues to prevent long-term consequences.

OSD occurs when the tear film, which normally protects and lubricates the eye surface, becomes imbalanced. This can result in dryness, irritation, and inflammation. Factors like aging, hormonal changes, environmental conditions, and certain medications can contribute to OSD. Recognizing the signs of OSD is important, including symptoms like dryness, itching, redness, and sensitivity to light. If you experience these symptoms, seeking professional help from the Dry Eye Center of Maryland can provide you with the necessary expertise and treatments tailored to your specific condition.

Ocular Surface Disease (OSD)At the Dry Eye Center of Maryland, we understand the impact OSD can have on your quality of life. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes state-of-the-art technology and advanced treatment options to effectively manage OSD. This may include therapies like artificial tears, lubricating eye drops, intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment, and meibomian gland expression. By following a personalized treatment plan and adopting good eye hygiene practices, you can take control of your eye health and alleviate the symptoms of OSD, improving your overall well-being and vision.

Don’t let OSD compromise your eye health and daily comfort. The Dry Eye Center of Maryland is here to support you on your journey towards better eye health. Schedule a consultation with our expert team today and discover the personalized care and advanced treatments available to help you manage OSD effectively.

Unveiling the Hidden Signs of Ocular Surface Disease: What You Need to Know

Our eyes are remarkable organs, constantly working to provide you with clear vision and the ability to perceive the world around you. However, ocular surface disease, a common condition, can silently affect your eye health and quality of life. Many individuals are unaware of the hidden signs that may indicate the presence of this condition, which includes discomfort, irritation, redness, and even vision problems. By shedding light on these subtle indications, we can empower you to take proactive steps towards better eye health.

Ocular surface disease encompasses various conditions such as dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), ocular rosacea, and blepharitis. While these terms may sound unfamiliar, the underlying symptoms are what you should pay attention to. Do your eyes often feel dry, gritty, or as if there’s something in them? Are you frequently experiencing redness, watery eyes, or a burning sensation? These seemingly minor issues could be early signs of ocular surface disease. It’s crucial to recognize and address these symptoms promptly to prevent potential complications.

At the Dry Eye Center of Maryland, we understand the importance of early detection and management of ocular surface disease. Our experienced team, led by Dr. Benjamin Azman, specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of eye conditions, with a focus on providing personalized care to our patients. Through advanced diagnostic testing and access to the latest treatment options, we strive to uncover the hidden signs of ocular surface disease, ensuring that you receive the care you need for healthier, more comfortable eyes

Schedule a Consultation Today to discuss Ocular Rosacea
(410) 291-1718

Ocular Surface Disease and Your Overall Health: The Link You Can't Ignore

Did you know that your eye health is closely connected to your overall well-being? Ocular surface disease, a condition affecting the surface of your eyes, can have implications beyond just your vision. It’s crucial to understand the link between ocular surface disease and your overall health, as this connection plays a significant role in comprehensive care. By recognizing and addressing ocular surface disease, you can potentially prevent or manage associated systemic health issues.

red eye due to OCULAR SURFACE DISEASE (OSD) untreatedOcular surface disease is often associated with other conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid disease. This connection is due to the interconnectedness of the body’s systems, and the eyes serve as a window into your overall health. When ocular surface disease is left untreated or undiagnosed, it can contribute to the progression of underlying systemic conditions. Conversely, managing ocular surface disease can have a positive impact on your overall health and potentially reduce the risk or severity of associated diseases.

At the Dry Eye Center of Maryland, we emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to eye care. Our experienced team, led by Dr. Benjamin Azman, is trained to identify the signs of ocular surface disease and its potential links to other health conditions. By addressing ocular surface disease early on, we aim to not only improve your eye health but also contribute to your overall well-being. Our comprehensive approach includes advanced diagnostic testing, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support to ensure that your eyes and your body receive the care they deserve.

Managing Ocular Surface Disease:

Living with ocular surface disease can be challenging, as it can cause discomfort, irritation, and even vision problems. However, with proper management and a few simple tips, you can alleviate symptoms and protect your vision. Taking proactive steps to care for your eyes can make a significant difference in managing ocular surface disease.

First and foremost, maintaining good eye hygiene is crucial. Make sure to clean your eyelids gently using a mild cleanser or warm water. This helps remove any debris or bacteria that may contribute to the inflammation of the ocular surface. Additionally, using artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can provide relief from dryness and discomfort. Consult with your eye care professional to determine the best eye drops for your specific needs.

Another important aspect of managing ocular surface disease is managing your environment. Avoiding smoke, dust, and other irritants can help prevent flare-ups and reduce symptoms. If you spend a significant amount of time in front of a screen, remember to take regular breaks and practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. This helps reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Finally, seeking professional care is essential for effective management of ocular surface disease. At the Dry Eye Center of Maryland, our experienced team specializes in diagnosing and treating ocular surface disease. Through advanced diagnostic testing, we can assess the severity of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Treatment options may include prescription medications, in-office procedures, and lifestyle modifications. Our goal is to provide you with relief from discomfort, protect your vision, and enhance your overall eye health.

Remember, proper management of ocular surface disease requires a combination of self-care, environmental adjustments, and professional guidance. By following these tips and working closely with your eye care professional, you can take control of your ocular surface disease and experience improved comfort and vision.

Preventing Ocular Surface Disease: Steps to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Happy

Your eyes are precious, and taking steps to prevent ocular surface disease is essential for maintaining good eye health. By following a few simple practices, you can keep your eyes happy and minimize the risk of developing this condition. Here are some key steps to incorporate into your daily routine:

  1. Practice good eye hygiene: Keeping your eyes clean is crucial in preventing ocular surface disease. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes and avoid rubbing them excessively. Additionally, gently cleaning your eyelids using a mild cleanser or warm water can help remove any debris or bacteria that may accumulate and contribute to eye irritation.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Your overall health plays a significant role in the well-being of your eyes. Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can promote eye health. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as dehydration can lead to dry eyes. Also, protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays by wearing sunglasses that provide UV protection when you’re outdoors.

To ensure comprehensive eye care, consider visiting the Dry Eye Center of Maryland. Led by Dr. Benjamin Azman, the center specializes in diagnosing and managing ocular surface disease, including conditions like dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), ocular rosacea, and blepharitis. With state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced professionals, they offer personalized care and advanced treatment options to promote optimal eye health. Don’t wait until symptoms arise—take a proactive approach to protect your eyes and schedule a consultation with the Dry Eye Center of Maryland today.

By incorporating these preventive measures into your daily life and seeking professional care when needed, you can take control of your eye health and reduce the risk of ocular surface disease. Remember, your eyes deserve the best care possible, so prioritize their well-being and enjoy a lifetime of healthy vision.

Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) at The Dry Eye Center of Maryland

Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) is a condition that affects the outermost layer of the eye and can lead to discomfort, irritation, and vision problems if left untreated. Preventive eye care is crucial in maintaining optimal eye health and preventing the onset or progression of OSD. By adopting healthy habits and seeking professional care, you can protect your eyes and potentially avoid irreversible damage.

At the Dry Eye Center of Maryland, we have over four decades of experience and have been at the forefront of diagnosing and treating OSD since 1975. Our commitment to concierge care ensures that each patient receives personalized attention and thorough explanations about their condition.

What sets the Dry Eye Center of Maryland apart is our dedication to understanding the root cause of OSD. Driven by our mission to provide the best eye care possible, we take the time to listen to patients, explain the intricacies of their condition, and show them what’s actually happening. By identifying and treating the underlying causes of OSD, we aim to prevent further progression and potential irreversible damage.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of OSD or want to prioritize your eye health, seeking help from the Dry Eye Center of Maryland can make a significant difference. Our specialized approach to diagnosis and treatment, coupled with our commitment to patient education, ensures that you receive comprehensive care for your ocular surface disease. Don’t wait until the condition worsens—take the proactive step of scheduling a consultation with the Dry Eye Center of Maryland and safeguard your vision for years to come.

Don’t let Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) affect your vision and quality of life. Take control of your eye health and contact the Dry Eye Center of Maryland today.

Schedule a Consultation Today to discuss Ocular Surface Disease (OSD)
(410) 291-1718

Josh G.

From the moment an individual walks into the office, The Dry Eye Center of Maryland demonstrates that they are geared to serve. The receptionists greet patients with a smile, ask about their families, and offer something to drink. The waiting time is never long, but if it is, there are plenty of current magazines with which to entertain oneself. When one does go back, the General Vision Examstechnicians treat clients with respect and explain each step of the tests. Finally, once patients see the doctors–who are professional in every definition of the word–they are again greeted warmly and treated with respect. The entire experience is life changing, and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.

Torin C.

Thank you for your help in getting me fitted with and adjusted to contact lenses. Apparently my “dry eye” condition has made it difficult and at times impossible for me to wear contacts in the past. Now with your help I am comfortable in my contacts. As you may remember, I am a high school senior and have tried to wear contacts in the past, not only for esthetic reasons but to help me in various sports/activities (football, lacrosse, surfing, etc.). In the past I am not sure that the eye care people I saw recognized or appreciated my “dry eye” condition. Moreover, they clearly did not address this problem. As such, I remember having great difficulty getting my contacts in and even more difficulty in trying to remove them. In the past, I was never comfortable wearing contacts. Your work with my tear ducts and other techniques you have used to correct my “dry eye” condition has made an incredible difference. The process that we have gone through to prepare me for contact lenses has made a tremendous difference. Now I am exceedingly comfortable wearing my contacts and find that they provide me with much improved vision. Again, many thanks for your help. Very truly yours.

A. M.

I have been wearing contact lens for 55 years. When I moved from out-of-state to Maryland, I needed to find a new contact lens specialist. I found Dr. Azman using a Google search. I was surprised to get a phone call asking me questions before getting an appointment. It turns out Dr. Azman specializes in problem cases. As I described my increasing discomfort and dry eyes, he said he could help. I never had the tests he did for tear layer, the topography of cornea, etc. I discovered my contacts were not fitting properly causing an abrasion on both eyes. After two weeks of no contacts, the abrasion was healed. I was surprised when he suggested soft contacts. My previous doctor thought I couldn’t wear them after years with hard and then gas permeable lens. Switching to the soft lens was no problem. It took some adjusting of different strengths of the lens to get the correction for reading and computer work, but now I am very happy with the results. I could not drive at night with contacts because of the extreme glare. That is gone. My eyes were very sensitive to light so I needed sunglasses all the time. That is gone.

Sandra B.

OMG….where do I begin. First and foremost, Dr. Azman saved my daughter’s eyesight, not once, but twice! At the age of 6 my daughter’s Rx was dramatically changing every 6 months (unheard of) and she was getting headaches and couldn’t read for more than 15 minutes at a time. No one could figure out what was wrong. One visit to Dr. Azman and we were on our way to healthy eyes!!! All it took was a few quick tests and Dr. Azman had my daughter diagnosed with dry eyes. Life was good for many years until we moved to PA and lost contact with Dr. Azman (never again!) Recently I received a distressed call from my daughter, now age 20, with problems with her eyes. She had crystals forming and pushing through her eyes, infections in her eyes, she couldn’t go out in the sunlight, etc. and FOUR different specialists in PA kept giving her steroids and antibiotics with the explanation of “we don’t know what causes it”…I even told them about her dry eyes and was blatantly told I didn’t know what I was talking about. !!!???!!! Dr. Azman to the rescue AGAIN! Within two visits my daughters eyes cleared up and well on their way to healing. She’s back to normal with her nose stuck in a book every evening after sitting in front of a computer all day @ work even! Dr. Azman is simply amazing. He met with us in the late evening hours since we are out of town and even on a HOLIDAY!!! I wish more people could be as caring and giving as Dr. Thomas Azman. We refer him every chance we can! We will never be able to thank you enough.

Kathy S.

I have been under Dr. Azman’s treatment for my dry eyes. He is very attentive and thorough – always giving detailed explanations and answering all my questions in a way that I am able to fully understand. Dr. Azman also contacts me if there is a new treatment or medication that he feels would improve my condition. I will admit that sometimes there is an extensive wait in the office, but I can only assume he is giving other patients the same detailed care that he is giving me! The Azman staff is very gracious and lovely – always greeting me with a smile and genuinely asking how I am. The office itself is very clean and the communication between the different areas seems to flow smoothly. I highly recommend Dr. Azman due to his attention to detail and his expertise!

Alexandra S.

I have tried contact lenses on four different occasions, without success, before I visited Dr. Azman. Although other doctors had told me I had dry eyes, their solution was to simply prescribe a different brand of contact lens rather than to address the underlying problem. On each occasion, the end result was that the lenses bothered me so much that I just stopped wearing them. Dr. Azman’s commitment to correcting the dryness in my eyes was a refreshing and effective approach to my vision issues. For the first time, I feel that contact lenses will actually be a viable choice for me. It’s fantastic.

Cindy W.

Dr. Azman has been my eye doctor for more than 25 years. Recently he has treated my eyes for dry eyes. He is very thorough and extremely knowledgeable about treating dry eyes. I didn’t know how bad my eyes felt until he treated them. Even though I wear contacts, my vision was slightly impaired due to dry eyes. Once Dr. Azman started treatment, my eyes felt so much better and my vision changed again due to improvement of moisture in the eye. I put my trust in Dr. Azman.

Katie S.

“I have been under Dr. Azman’s care for the treatment of dry eyes. He is very attentive and thorough – always giving detailed explanations and answering all my questions in a way that I am able to fully understand. Dr. Azman also contacts me if there is a new treatment or medication that he feels would improve my condition. I will admit that sometimes there is an extensive wait in the office, but I can only assume he is giving other patients the same detailed care that he is giving me! The Azman staff is very gracious and lovely – always greeting me with a smile and genuinely asking how I am. The office itself is very clean and the communication between the different areas seems to flow smoothly. I highly recommend Dr. Azman due to his attention to detail and his expertise! He is a truly an expert in dry eye treatment.”

K. M.

“I have been dealing with severe dry eyes for years. Have been to a dozen of eye doctors with no success. All the eye doctors kept telling me the same things over and over again. I was about to give up until I read all the good reviews about Dr. Azman and his team, so I decided to give him a try. All I can say is I’m glad I did. I have nothing but great things to say about him and his staff. Very helpful and very friendly. My dry eyes have nearly been treated after years of pain! I can’t thank him enough for what he did for me. After each treatment he would follow up and call me to see how I was doing. No other doctor has ever called me to follow up. I was never rushed and he answered all my questions. I would highly recommend Dr. Azman and his team. I can honestly say he exceeded all my expectations. Thank you Dr. Azman for all your help!”

A. J.

“I was told I could not wear contact lenses by 3 other eye doctors due to my dry eyes. You did concur that I had dry eyes, but you introduced me to Orthokeratology. You explained your Precision Accelerated technique to me. Even though I was a little skeptical about it ,because I never heard of it, I decided to trust you. I also looked into lasik and was told I could have it. After researching lasik and dry eyes I learned that if you have dry eyes you should not have lasik surgery. It has now been 2 years since going through your procedure and I am still experiencing comfortable, clear vision all waking hours. Thank you Dr. Azman for guiding and educating me and protecting my eyes from having Lasik which could of been a disaster. You have changed my life.”

Judith M.

“I want to express my appreciation for helping me. I came to your office with a problem that I could not identify. However, I did recognize that my eyes were chronically tired and red, and I had to wear my glasses all of the time. Today, I am experiencing a high level of comfort and I feel as if my eyesight has improved. When I arrived for my first appointment, Joanne met with me to acquaint me with your practice and to administer preliminary tests. She was very informative and reassuring. Next, I met with you and again I was reassured that it would be possible to correct the difficulties I was experiencing. You carefully and clearly explained the results of the preliminary evaluation and then conducted your own. I had worn contact lenses prior to coming to you. It was a disaster. I was prescribed a more generic lens and along with the dry eye problem, the lenses were never really correct. I was not able to read with the lenses and my distance vision was poor as well. Eventually I gave up, as these lenses were apparently the only option available to me. My experience at the Azman Dry Eye center was completely different. Dr. Azman devised a plan of attack. Which eventually led to success with contact lenses. Other eye centers did not address any specific problems; they only evaluated my eyesight and wrote prescriptions for glasses or generic contact lenses. I also want to say that the level of caring that is shown to patients from the front desk to the doctor himself, is above any I have experienced elsewhere. It is a pleasure to come to the office. I will continue to recommend the practice and Dr. Azman to my friends and family. Thank you for all your help.”

Michael G.

Dr. Azman was able to stop the pain from a dry eye condition by using this new technology called Prokera and other treatments. Highly recommended!

Judy S.

I have been suffering for two years with dry eye pain and worry. From the time I walked in the door the experience was great. The staff was so kind and made me feel so welcome. Doctor Azman was patient and kind and took so much time with me and diagnosing my issues. I actually got in the car and cried tears of joy after the visit feeling hope for the first time. Best feeling I have felt in years, a big thank you to him and the staff!

Lori L.

Dr. Azman is wonderful! He is very thorough and makes sure that his patients understand everything in terms of their eye care. The office staff is friendly and very helpful. I highly recommend Dr. Azman and Azman Eye Care Specialists.

Margaret M.

If you are experiencing issues or problems with dry eyes, this is the place to be. Very thorough service with a caring and compassionate doctor and team.

Charles T.

The Azman practice gives their clients customized service. As a client I feel like I am practice’s one and only client. Also, the technology and knowledge of optical research they utilize is second to none!

Leah S.

I Love Dr Azman! He is very gentle, caring and professional! I wouldn’t want to see any other eye Dr in the world!!!

Luz M.

I have been suffering with eyes pain and inflammation around 5 months ago after I visited many specialists and the problem continued….finally I saw Dr. Benjamin Azman, he diagnostic me DRY EYE and gave me the right treatment. I feel much better thanks God! Dr.Benjamin and his father are so kind. God Bless them! I recommend Dr. Azman. They’re great.

Patrick C.

Of the handful of doctors and offices I have visited with regard to my dry-eye issue, Dr. Azman and his group have been, by a long-shot, the most hospitable, empathetic, and helpful with my issue. Dr. Azman didn’t rush me through the process of diagnosis, like other offices. He took the time to sit with me and discuss some of the root causes of my issue, and answer any of my concerns. In subsequent follow-up appointments, he performed several procedures that have been helpful to me and that have given me hope that there is a way to manage this condition. I would recommend him to anyone. And if you are using eyedrops frequently, and have never had your issue seriously looked at, please get it checked out before you do more damage to your eyes.


Hope for dry eyes! Dr. Azman was able to stop the pain from a dry eye condition by using this new technology called Prokera and other treatments. Highly recommended!

Judy S.

I have been suffering for two years with dry eye pain and worry. From the time I walked in the door the experience was great. The staff was so kind and made me feel so welcome. Doctor Azman was patient and kind and took so much time with me and diagnosed my issues. I actually got in the car and cried tears of joy after the visit feeling hope for the first time. Best feeling I have felt in years, a big thank you to him and the staff!

Erin S.

Always a great experience at The Dry Eye Center of MD. The staff is polite and professional, and Dr. Azman knows eyes better than the other eye doctors I’ve been to. They take the time to figure out the issue and make sure no details are missed! Thank you!

Carol K.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help. When I visited your office in April, I was particularly impressed with your state of the art equipment and for the care and concern you showed me. Since I was from New Jersey, you went out of your way to see me on the weekend (twice on Sunday). You made me feel special and more like a friend than a patient. Your follow-up telephone calls really meant a lot to me. Your recommendations for treatment of my dry eye problems are working; I highly recommend that anyone with eye problems seek you out.

-Carol K. Secaucus, New Jersey

Meet Our Doctors
Trusted local Dry Eye Specialist in Baltimore, providing superior and compassionate care.
About Our Office
Specializing in dry eye care since 1975! We have successfully treated thousands of dry eye patients, including many who were previously told that nothing more could be done.
Our Services
Offering the newest dry eye technology. Including IPL, Blephex, AMT, and other dry eye treatments.
Schedule your free phone consultation with our dry eye specialist.

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