
My Quest for Contact Lenses

In 1989, I began my quest for a comfortable pair of contact lenses, only to encounter a considerable amount of disappointment, discomfort, and frustration. Some of this was due to being very nearsighted and possessing slight astigmatism, but most of it was caused by eye doctors who claimed they were contact “specialists”. I discovered in 1994 that they weren’t specialists, but were really doctors who only knew the mechanics of fitting contacts. That year, I was able to be fitted with a pair of contacts that were comfortable and provided me with good vision after some relatively short examinations performed by Dr. Irwin Azman.

Right before meeting Dr. Irwin Azman, I went to see a prominent eye care specialty firm because it had been recommended as the best in Maryland in a magazine. Unfortunately, visits there were stressful and unpleasant. At this office, not only did I usually have to wait long periods of time in a crowded waiting room, but I usually had to wait just as long in the examination room for my assigned doctor. Doctors in training would first examine me and I would have to explain my situation during every visit to these novices who wouldn’t even read my history chart. The doctor would then come in, examine me, and perform dozens of calculations while I sat there and watched. With this kind of treatment, my visits became increasingly more stressful because I couldn’t even get fitted with a comfortable pair of contacts. The doctors there prescribed me soft toric lenses time after time. I found the soft toric lenses to be uncomfortably thick; it felt as though they rubbed harshly against my eyes. Vision was unsatisfactory too; it was blurry and seemed to change every time I would blink my eyes. People would say they could see the contacts moving around my eyes. The doctors started becoming frustrated themselves. One finally said he could do absolutely nothing about the rotation of the soft toric lenses and recommended I go back to semi-hard gas permeable lenses. That’s exactly what I didn’t want. That’s why I went to this office in the first place – to get fitted with soft contacts! I had worn gas perms at one time and my eyes were constantly red. That same doctor finally told me in a direct manner that he would rather I just went somewhere else. Since I had had enough, I later agreed and accepted the refund they gave me. At that time, I began looking for someone who really knew what he was doing in this area and found Dr. Irwin Azman in the telephone book. I called Dr. Irwin Azman and to my surprise, Dr. Irwin Azman listened very intently to my situation. He seemed to understand it quite well and seemed very confident that it could be fixed. I scheduled an , appointment, and from that point on, I began to have some luck in my quest for a decent pair of contacts.

My first exam at Dr. Irwin Azman’s turned out to be the easiest one I had ever experienced. A thorough eye exam was performed, and I was very much delighted when I didn’t have to have my eyes dilated. Dr. Irwin Azman’s high-tech equipment made dilation unnecessary: I wouldn’t have trouble driving home afterwards. Dr. Irwin Azman then assessed my situation and explained all the options. He prescribed a pair of contacts with what seemed minimal effort. I didn’t have to witness him performing an extensive number of calculations. Finally, it was a great feeling to get a pair of contacts which were fine-tuned with only two or three visits. Unlike the soft tone, these were a comfortable pair of lenses which gave me good vision. In addition, Dr. Irwin Azman gave me recommendations about cleaning and using solutions on my lenses; after this, there was no more stinging from lenses improperly cleaned the previous night. Dr. Irwin Azman seems to be the real eye care “specialist” because he knows the latest in contact lens technology. On my first visit alone, I learned more about contacts than I had the four years before meeting Dr. Irwin Azman. He had shown me the newest inventions in contact lenses. Nowadays, I’m doing just great with my contacts and continue to make my yearly visits to Dr. Irwin Azman. I have had such good luck with Dr. Irwin Azman that I’m afraid to go elsewhere for my contact lens care!

Lynn, O.
Vienna, VA
Patient since 1994


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